Diaw in Disneyland
UPDATE: Oops, j’ai oublié à traduire pour les fans français de Boris Diaw. Lisez ci-dessous...
Fresh off the Suns' win against the Kings, Boris Diaw hopped a plane to Disneyland to celebrate his five-year $45 million contract extension. The French hottie is pictured here flashing a rare toothy smile with close personal friend Mickey Mouse and romantic interest Ann Strother of the Phoenix Mercury. Sleep well, Lucas!
Après le match contre les Kings (les Suns ont gagné, 111-94), Boris a voyagé à Disneyland pour célébrer son contrat de 45 millions de dollars sur cinq ans avec les Suns. Dans cette image, le beau basketteur sourit avec son copain Mickey Mouse et sa petite amie Ann Strother de l’équipe Mercury de Phoenix.
Fresh off the Suns' win against the Kings, Boris Diaw hopped a plane to Disneyland to celebrate his five-year $45 million contract extension. The French hottie is pictured here flashing a rare toothy smile with close personal friend Mickey Mouse and romantic interest Ann Strother of the Phoenix Mercury. Sleep well, Lucas!

I hope this was the first thing Lucas saw when he got up today.
You know, it was the very first thing. It made me so happy I started thinking about cartoons.
For the record, evidently I'm most like Bugs Bunny.
We're Tweety Bird: cute and lovable. Sounds about right!
I got Tweety Bird, too.
boris is wise to hook up w/strother !
C'est quoi ça? Je ne comprends rien! :)
Blogging in French? SHOW OFF!
Haha, just playing
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