Mark Cuban is down with TheHype
File under "Private Jokes with TheHype."
SunsGossip paparazzi caught Mark Cuban deplaning his Gulfstream V jet after a business trip. He and longtime friend Ross Perot appear to have been doing a little in-flight reading -- Cuban is holding a paper copy of TheHype's latest comic.
Jet on over to Mavs Moneyball to see what else that fool has been up to. And HoopsAddict has the NBA Preview for the ever-lovable Raptors.

Jet on over to Mavs Moneyball to see what else that fool has been up to. And HoopsAddict has the NBA Preview for the ever-lovable Raptors.
So now it's the Hype's turn to put that whole picture in another comic.
My head is spinning but still, very nicely done.
And it won't be inside jokes anymore as soon as SunsGossip and UnrelatednessTown take over the world...yes..very soon..
Hehe "..Mark and Ross sittin on a tree.." Also, I'm surprised Mark Cuban still use in this ancient myth we call "paper", going old school perhaps.
I think this is about to snowball...
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