Boris Diaw Signs Contract Extension
There has been much talk about the If/When/HowMuch of Boris Diaw’s contract extension with the Suns. Although many speculate that the captain of the French national team is too busy with the world championships to be negotiating with the Suns, he apparently wasn’t too busy for a little shop talk with De Fursac.
For the past few months, the French clothing maker has been running a basketball-themed ad campaign featuring Diaw, fellow Frenchman Tony Parker, and some white dude Jerome Schmitt who we’ve never heard of. The effect of the campaign has been enormous and has permeated all corners of French society. French youths in the ’hood can now be spotted playing streetball decked out in three-piece white suits.
Well, De Fursac is taking the phenomenon to its logical conclusion and launching a line of men’s underwear. Both Diaw and Parker (still recovering from his broken finger) have signed multi-million dollar contract extensions that cover the new Calvin Klein-esque campaign.
We at SunsGossip are trying hard to keep our panties on about this one!
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For the past few months, the French clothing maker has been running a basketball-themed ad campaign featuring Diaw, fellow Frenchman Tony Parker, and some white dude Jerome Schmitt who we’ve never heard of. The effect of the campaign has been enormous and has permeated all corners of French society. French youths in the ’hood can now be spotted playing streetball decked out in three-piece white suits.
Well, De Fursac is taking the phenomenon to its logical conclusion and launching a line of men’s underwear. Both Diaw and Parker (still recovering from his broken finger) have signed multi-million dollar contract extensions that cover the new Calvin Klein-esque campaign.

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Tout le monde parle du sujet de Boris Diaw et son contrat avec les Suns. Il existe des gens qui pensent qu'il est trop occupé avec le FIBA pour négocier avec les Suns. Mais évidemment il a eu assez de temps pour négocier avec De Fursac.
Depuis quelques mois, De Fursac utilisait des annonces avec Diaw, Tony Parker, et Jerome Schmitt. Les annonces étaient très populaire en France. Tous les garçons dans le ghetto jouent au basket-ball habillés en des smokings blancs.
Maintenant, De Fursac va vendre des sous-vêtements. Diaw et Parker (qui souffre toujours de son doigt blessé) ont négocié plusieurs millions de dollars pour faire ces annonces (qui ressemblent à des annonces de Calvin Klein).
SunsGossip, nous sommes très enchantés à cause de ces annonces... mais nous ne pouvons pas parler plus de ce sujet parce que notre ami sera jalouse.
Hehehe... nice pics.
Now I'm ready for the real thing!
that pic of Boris is a little too good. i'm actually picturing him like that, and its too scrumptious.
damn you!
ohh i can't wait to see Boris wear those underwears!!! damn...oh yummy! LoL
Thanks for a great reead
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