LeBron on Duncan
Stoudemire is starting in tonight's game against the Spurs. We at SunsGossip are hoping for some highlight-worthy dunks on Timmy, but according to Howie, the LeBron one from the other day will be the best one for months. Peep game:
Totally better than the real thing. Nice work, Ms. Gossip.
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this is one of the funniest blogs ever!!!
Me = on floor permanently laughing! hahahahahah, that's Hall of Fame material right there!
(the del was mine btw..glitchy thingy)
The new balls really do bounce funny.
4 Stars!
The most riveting sports drama of this generation!
Insert exclamatory movie review quote here!
muhahaha ! what is there so funny ? BAD kidding shit
i'm blown away... your paint/photoshop skills have reached an entirely new level.
think you could get sponsorhip comparable to a lawyer's salary? if so, you should forget school and blog full time =)
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