Someone Impersonating SunsGossip on NBA FanHouse
Give a warm spanking to the newborn NBA FanHouse! It's pretty tight. Super-hottie Jamie Mottram pulled together nine heavy-hitters to cover the entire league, including our bestest homies Nate from Jones on the NBA and Mutoni from Bench Renaldo/Slamonline, plus blogger crush Skeets from The Basketball Jones, freak-a-lik Shoals from, dynamic duo Brett and Craig from The Association, one-name-wonder The Big Lead, ex-con Matt from Detroit Bad Boys, and the banana-fanna-fo-fighty mighty mjd.
All good times. But then the 10th NBA FanHouse member is this B who is totally biting on our SunsGossip style. She's even calling herself Miss Gossip. Wiggity wiggity wack! We'd say more, but folks are probably overloaded with intellectual property talk today. We'll see you in court, Miss Gossip!
All good times. But then the 10th NBA FanHouse member is this B who is totally biting on our SunsGossip style. She's even calling herself Miss Gossip. Wiggity wiggity wack! We'd say more, but folks are probably overloaded with intellectual property talk today. We'll see you in court, Miss Gossip!
This is exactly what happened in Attack of the Clones... eerie stuff..
Don't hate me for saying this, but Miss Gossip > Miss SunsGossip.
i second that motion, atma. sorry gossip.
That ain't e'en cool.
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